Friday, January 28, 2011

What next? Can talking and writing alone positively change the face of the DRC? No!

When, we voted for a democratic and human rights oriented DRC constitution that ended the one president plus four vice-presidents’ transitional government, many of us Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)’s citizens believed that the DRC started a move towards a truly democratic Congo.

Few years later, we suspect that voting for that constitution was simply a formality for some of our so-called leaders to end the one president plus four vice-presidents’ transitional government and start a quite dictatorship with selfish ambitions.

Our parliamentarians who suposed to be representing the views of the people who voted for them are now alleged to have become corrupt and have chosen to individually pocket as much money as they can and completely forgot about the ordinary people who they promised to serve or to represent in Kinshasa!

The “Mouvement Populaire pour le Developpement (MPD)”s representatives and supporters from all the provinces of the Congo (DRC) have been speaking and continue to speak to our compatriots on daily basis accross the DRC and outside the DRC and the outcome of these talking is that the majority of our compatriots are unhappy about the current regime. We mention some of our compatriots’ complaints that are relevant to what we stand for in the MPD.

We feel that the DRC ordinary people are right when they say that:

1. Despite the legitimacy of the current DRC government and its many years in power, nothing is going towards a positive change (no hospital, public school, road,… has been rehabilitated, peace in the East part of the country remains only a thing on some pieces of papers);

2. The government does not seem to encourage effective partnership with the developed countries that we necessarily need to turn our country's natural resources into true wealth for the DRC nation as a whole;

3. The government is quietly developing some Zairianization (nationalization)-like where power was corruption, finger on the trigger, arbitrary detentions, torture, intimidation and even murdering informal opponents if known before they go public! Ordinary people must bow down to be allowed to express they views to our so-called leaders or they are not allowed to reach these so-called leaders at all! Even our parliamentarians who have an obligation to listen carefully to the people who voted for them allow a constitution of the people to be manipulated by individuals, simply because our parliamentarians feel OK to protect individuals who bribe them in addition to their huge salaries that are already a bribe-like while the people who voted for them are continually socially and economically suffering!;

4. Even many of our compatriots in uniforms from the (police, military and even special services) who should politically be neutral are expressing disappointments regarding the way the political leaders are taking the DRC;

5. Public officials are rarely or not paid their salaries at all (teachers, medical officials, Etc)…

6. We are told that even our own defense force’s members are raping ladies (regardless their age) where they were made to protect their victims and they are looting the DRC ordinary people’s belongings...!

Our questions are:

1. Is our government telling us that unless we use violent means the DRC can not truly become a nation with a good government based on democracy, respect of Human Rights and the International Community’s principles?

2. Is our government aware of the social and economic pain its way of governing is causing the majority of the DRC ordinary citizens and that this way is slowly but surely turning a peaceful nation into a violent one (the internally displaced people who supposed to be busy with their ordinary means of living are now wondering like lost dogs, the many who left the country to save their lives from the intolerance of their political opinions or their tribal/ethnic group, even those who left the country because of economic difficulties...?

Does the sovereignty of the DRC make it a planet on its own; in the currently interdependent world and especially now that many are tirelessly working on making the world a better place?


On behalf of the Mouvement Populaire pour le Developpement - MPD,
Pacifique Sukisa - Makasi, Leader


Unknown said...

I am moved my your passion.
With love,

MPD - DRC said...

Many, many thanks for your support dear valued Michael.

Marguerite Pezo Kalumbu said...

We definitively need something practical for our country’s social and economic improvement. Positive change in our country is a responsibility of its every citizen and every willing citizen has a way of contributing to this much needed positive change.
I have no doubt that GOD will have mercy on us (DRC citizens) through individuals, the MPD and organizations that have as main vision to contribute on effectively making our country peaceful, stable and prosperous.